Sunday, March 24, 2013

the navy

The navy doesn't just protect our country but also tries to create peace throughout the world. There are many different job titles that you can be when your in the navy such as you could work in a submarine, on a vessel or in a helicopter. I think that i found it most interesting to find out that there are really secrets that they are keeping from us as Americans   One thing i will always remember is that it can pay for your schooling.


The flukes are used to identify whales because just like birth marks, freckles or scars on a human all whales have specific characteristics that make it easy to tell the different whales apart. This is important when scientist whale watch in order to make sure there always watching the same whale. Its important to whale watch to learn the whales migration habits and also others that come along with it. I didn't think the lab was hard at all i thought it was fun :) but if you were to change one thing about the lab i would say to have us do more pictures.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Over fishing is a huge problem that is steadily getting worse as years go on. By over fishing we are completely wiping out ecosystems in certain spots of the ocean where the troll nets are dragged. This affects us because the coral reefs and plants that release oxygen for us are being affected. Also fish are not going to be around much longer if we don't change the way we fish. Ways we can help are by eating smarter and not encouraging fishing with troll nets.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The bleaching of coral is due to stress expulsion and the death of there symbiotic. Most of the time this is caused by increased water temperatures.

Marine Debris

Entanglement- the debris left behind hide like nets can get tangled on animals and can get trapped around there neck causing suffocation
bottle caps-birds will pick up bottle caps mistaking it for food and bring to there babies to eat and this ends up making them die
plastic bags- will get caught on animals mouths and also animals try to eat them.
random objects- get caught on animals and can leave them helpless

We as humans can help put this to an end by not littering and recycling.

Blue-Ringed Octopus

(genus Hapalochlaena)

The Blue-Ringed octopus live in whirl pools and coral reefs in the Pacific and Indian oceans. Known as the most venomous marine animals.The normally brown patches on them darken the rings around them turn a vibrant blue giving warning that they are very dangerous.Typically 50-60 blue rings cover the octopus. Normally they hunt crabs and shrimp. I chose the blue ringed octopus because i think it is really cool that they are able to change colors and i love octopus'.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Sea grasses had to adapt to the salt water, another adaptation is that they have ribbon shaped blades so they can sway in the ocean water. Sea grass can provide a home for many fish where they can find there food to feed on such as plankton. Then there are bigger fish that come in to eat the fish that feed off the plankton. The sea grass it self can also be a meal for a slim amount of fish such as the sea turtle and the manatee. A resident is a sea animal that actually lives in the sea grass. The nurse shark is a migrant that just comes to look for food during the day. Then there is a traveler who stays at the sea grasses at night
.Seagrass Ray-NOAA
Nurse Shark Seagrass Scene-NOAA

sea grasses benefits

1) provide a home for sea animals

2) Stabilize sediments to the ocean floor

3) Just like all other plants sea grass makes oxygen out of C02.

4) provide food to some sea animals


5) Filter out pollutants and clarify the water

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Mangrove Benefits

Nursery: the mangroves provide a place for baby fish to grow.

nutrients-Provides nutrients for the mangroves consumers.Like crabs and other shellfish.


Mangrove Adaptations

1) Root Adaptations- red mangroves have prop roots coming from the trunk and branches to give support. Black mangroves have wide spreading roots at the bottom to provide support.

2) Salt adaptations- the roots of the mangroves learned how to filter out the salt in order to allow the fresh water to flow through.

3).Anaerobic Sediment Adaptation- learned to adapt in oxygen poor places.

4)Reproductive Adaptations- They reproduce by flowering.

Fruit Bat

The scientific name Pteropodidae but the commonly known name for this animal is the Fruit Bat. They live in Africa, Asia, Australia and also the Middle East.  Whats interesting about fruit bats is that they rest on trees not caves.They are closely related to flying primates.